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¿Qué cambió en el examen TOEFL iBT en 2023?

Si estás pensando en rendir el examen TOEFL iBT, debes saber que este examen sufrió algunos cambios importantes en julio de 2023. Estos cambios afectan al formato, al contenido y al tiempo del examen, y tienen como objetivo crear una experiencia óptima para los examinados, aumentar la transparencia de las puntuaciones y agilizar el proceso de registro. En este artículo, te explicaremos en qué consisten estos cambios y cómo puedes prepararte mejor para el nuevo examen TOEFL iBT.

¿Qué es el examen TOEFL iBT?

El examen TOEFL iBT es un examen que mide la habilidad de comunicarse en inglés en un entorno académico. Es un requisito para ingresar a muchas universidades e instituciones de educación superior en países angloparlantes, como Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido o Australia. También es un requisito para obtener algunas becas, visas o certificaciones profesionales.

El examen TOEFL iBT se compone de cuatro secciones: lectura, comprensión auditiva, expresión oral y expresión escrita. Cada sección tiene una puntuación máxima de 30 puntos, y la puntuación total del examen va de 0 a 120 puntos. El examen se realiza por computadora y se administra en centros autorizados por ETS, la organización que diseña y califica el examen.

¿Qué cambió en el examen TOEFL iBT?

Los cambios que se hicieron en el examen TOEFL iBT son los siguientes:

  • La duración del examen se redujo de tres horas a menos de dos horas.
  • La sección de lectura se acortó a dos pasajes con 10 preguntas cada uno, tomando 36 minutos en total.
  • La sección de comprensión auditiva se simplificó a tres conferencias y dos conversaciones, con cinco preguntas cada una, tomando 36 minutos en total.
  • La sección de expresión oral se mantuvo igual con cuatro tareas, tomando 17 minutos en total.
  • La sección de expresión escrita se cambió a una nueva tarea llamada “Escritura para una discusión académica”, que reemplazó la tarea de escritura independiente, tomando 20 minutos en total.

A continuación, te explicaremos más detalladamente cada uno de los cambios y te daremos algunos ejemplos de los nuevos tipos de preguntas.


La sección de lectura evalúa la capacidad de leer y comprender textos académicos en inglés. Antes, esta sección tenía tres o cuatro pasajes con 10 preguntas cada uno, tomando entre 54 y 72 minutos en total. Ahora, esta sección tiene solo dos pasajes con 10 preguntas cada uno, tomando 36 minutos en total. Los pasajes son más cortos y tienen entre 500 y 600 palabras cada uno. Los tipos de preguntas son los mismos que antes: preguntas de comprensión general, preguntas de detalle, preguntas de inferencia, preguntas de vocabulario y preguntas sobre la organización del texto.

Un ejemplo de un pasaje y una pregunta es el siguiente:


The term “renaissance” means “rebirth” and refers to the cultural revival that occurred in Europe from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries. The Renaissance was a period of artistic, literary, scientific and intellectual innovation that marked a transition from the medieval to the modern world. The Renaissance began in Italy and spread to other parts of Europe through trade, travel and the printing press. Some of the most influential figures of the Renaissance were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Petrarch, Dante, Machiavelli and Galileo.


What is the main idea of the passage?

A) The Renaissance was a cultural movement that started in Italy and influenced other parts of Europe.

B) The Renaissance was a historical period that lasted from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries.

C) The Renaissance was a time of artistic, literary, scientific and intellectual innovation that changed the world.

D) The Renaissance was a term that means “rebirth” and refers to the revival of classical culture.

La respuesta correcta es C) The Renaissance was a time of artistic, literary, scientific and intellectual innovation that changed the world.

Comprensión auditiva

La sección de comprensión auditiva evalúa la capacidad de escuchar y entender conversaciones y conferencias en inglés. Antes, esta sección tenía cuatro o seis conferencias y dos o tres conversaciones, con entre cinco y seis preguntas cada una, tomando entre 60 y 90 minutos en total. Algunas de las preguntas eran no puntuadas y servían para probar nuevos tipos de preguntas. Ahora, esta sección tiene solo tres conferencias y dos conversaciones, con cinco preguntas cada una, tomando 36 minutos en total. Todas las preguntas son puntuadas y los tipos de preguntas son los mismos que antes: preguntas sobre el tema principal, preguntas sobre los detalles específicos, preguntas sobre la actitud o el propósito del hablante, preguntas sobre la organización o la relación entre las ideas y preguntas sobre la inferencia o la implicación.

Un ejemplo de una conferencia y una pregunta es el siguiente:


(A woman is giving a lecture on psychology.)

Hello, everyone. Today we are going to talk about the concept of self-esteem. Self-esteem is the evaluation that we make of ourselves, based on our beliefs, feelings and experiences. Self-esteem can be positive or negative, high or low, and it can affect many aspects of our lives, such as our behavior, our emotions, our relationships and our performance. There are many factors that influence our self-esteem, such as our family, our friends, our school, our media and our culture. Some of the signs of low self-esteem are: being overly critical of oneself, having a negative outlook on life, feeling insecure or inferior, avoiding challenges or risks, and having difficulties in expressing one’s needs or opinions. On the other hand, some of the signs of high self-esteem are: being confident and optimistic, accepting oneself and others, facing challenges and learning from mistakes, and being assertive and respectful.


What is the main purpose of the lecture?

A) To explain what self-esteem is and how it affects us.

B) To compare and contrast different types of self-esteem.

C) To persuade the listeners to improve their self-esteem.

D) To describe the causes and consequences of low self-esteem.

La respuesta correcta es A) To explain what self-esteem is and how it affects us.

Un ejemplo de una conversación y una pregunta es el siguiente:


(A conversation between two students.)

Man: Hi, I’m looking for a place to live next semester. Do you have any suggestions? Woman: Well, it depends on what you prefer. Do you want to live on campus or off campus? Man: I don’t know. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option? Woman: Well, living on campus is more convenient because you are close to your classes, the library and the cafeteria. You also have more opportunities to interact with other students and participate in campus activities. However, living on campus can be more expensive and less comfortable than living off campus. The dormitories are often crowded and noisy, and you have to share your space with other people. Man: I see. And what about living off campus? Woman: Living off campus is more flexible because you can choose where you want to live and who you want to live with. You also have more privacy and comfort than living on campus. The apartments are usually bigger and quieter than the dormitories, and you have your own facilities. However, living off campus can be more challenging because you have to deal with transportation, bills and maintenance. You also have less access to campus resources and social events.


The woman expresses her opinion about the two housing options. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

La respuesta esperada es algo así:

The woman prefers living off campus to living on campus. She gives two reasons for her preference. First, she thinks that living off campus is more flexible because she can choose her location and roommates. Second, she thinks that living off campus is more comfortable because she can have her own facilities and avoid the noise and crowding of the dormitories.

This is an example of how you should state the woman’s opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion in the speaking section of the TOEFL iBT exam. You should use clear and coherent language, and support your answer with details and examples from the listening. You should also speak with confidence and fluency, and avoid long pauses or repetitions.

Expresión oral

La sección de expresión oral evalúa la capacidad de hablar en inglés sobre diferentes temas y situaciones. Esta sección no ha cambiado y sigue teniendo cuatro tareas, tomando 17 minutos en total. Las dos primeras tareas son independientes y requieren que el examinado exprese su opinión o preferencia sobre un tema general. Las dos últimas tareas son integradas y requieren que el examinado combine la información de una lectura y una escucha para responder a una pregunta.

Un ejemplo de una tarea integrada es el siguiente:

Aquí hay un ejemplo de una tarea de expresión oral para el examen TOEFL iBT. Debes leer el texto, escuchar el audio y responder a la pregunta en inglés. Debes hablar de manera clara, coherente y fluida. Debes usar detalles y ejemplos del texto y del audio para apoyar tu respuesta. También debes evitar pausas largas o repeticiones. Tienes 30 segundos para preparar tu respuesta y 60 segundos para hablar.


(An excerpt from a book on astronomy.)

A supernova is a powerful explosion that occurs when a massive star reaches the end of its life cycle. A supernova can release more energy than the sun will produce in its entire lifetime, and can outshine an entire galaxy for a brief period of time. A supernova can also produce heavy elements such as gold, silver and uranium, and scatter them into space. These elements can then form new stars, planets and other celestial bodies.


(A lecture by a professor of astronomy.)

Hello, class. Today we are going to talk about the effects of supernovas on life on Earth. As you know, supernovas are very rare events that happen when massive stars explode at the end of their lives. But did you know that supernovas can also have an impact on our planet and its inhabitants? Let me give you some examples.

First, supernovas can affect the climate and the environment of Earth. When a supernova occurs near our solar system, it can emit a lot of radiation that can reach our planet. This radiation can damage the ozone layer, which protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun. This can lead to increased temperatures, droughts, crop failures and skin cancers.

Second, supernovas can affect the evolution and the extinction of life on Earth. When a supernova occurs near our solar system, it can also emit a lot of cosmic rays that can reach our planet. These cosmic rays can cause mutations in the DNA of living organisms, which can result in new traits or diseases. Some of these mutations can be beneficial and help organisms adapt to changing environments. But some of these mutations can be harmful and cause diseases or death.

Third, supernovas can affect the origin and the diversity of life on Earth. When a supernova occurs near our solar system, it can also produce and disperse heavy elements that are essential for life, such as carbon, nitrogen and oxygen. These elements can then be incorporated into new stars and planets that form in the aftermath of the explosion. Some of these planets may have the right conditions to support life, such as liquid water, a stable orbit and a protective atmosphere.


The professor discusses three effects of supernovas on life on Earth. Summarize these effects and explain how they are related to each other.

Expresión Escrita

La sección de escritura del nuevo TOEFL 2023 consta de una sola tarea: Escritura para una discusión académica. En esta tarea, tienes que leer un texto breve sobre un tema académico y luego escribir un ensayo de entre 200 y 250 palabras en el que discutas el tema desde diferentes perspectivas. Tienes que analizar el texto, identificar los puntos principales y las evidencias que los respaldan, y luego presentar tu propia opinión sobre el tema, apoyándola con razones y ejemplos. Tienes que usar un lenguaje formal, una estructura clara y unas transiciones coherentes.

Aquí hay un ejemplo de una tarea de escritura para el nuevo TOEFL 2023:

(An excerpt from a book on economics.)

Globalization is the process of increasing integration and interdependence among countries in terms of trade, investment, culture and communication. Globalization has many benefits for the world economy, such as:

  • Globalization can increase economic growth and development. By opening up markets and reducing barriers to trade and investment, globalization can create more opportunities for production, consumption and innovation. Globalization can also increase competition and efficiency, which can lower prices and improve quality for consumers.
  • Globalization can reduce poverty and inequality. By creating more jobs and income, globalization can lift millions of people out of poverty and improve their living standards. Globalization can also promote social justice and human rights, by spreading democratic values and empowering marginalized groups.
  • Globalization can enhance cooperation and peace. By fostering interdependence and mutual understanding, globalization can reduce conflicts and tensions among countries. Globalization can also facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge, which can foster learning and innovation.


Write an essay in which you discuss the topic of globalization from different perspectives. You should:

  • Summarize the main points and evidence from the text.
  • State your own opinion about the topic and support it with reasons and examples.
  • Use formal language, clear structure and coherent transitions.

A possible answer is:

Globalization is a phenomenon that has transformed the world economy in many ways. In this essay, I will discuss the topic of globalization from different perspectives, based on the text I have read. I will also state my own opinion about the topic and support it with reasons and examples.

The text I have read is an excerpt from a book on economics that explains the benefits of globalization for the world economy. The text argues that globalization can increase economic growth and development, reduce poverty and inequality, and enhance cooperation and peace. The text provides some examples and evidence to support these arguments, such as the creation of more opportunities for trade and investment, the improvement of living standards for millions of people, and the reduction of conflicts and tensions among countries.

I agree with the text that globalization has some positive effects on the world economy, but I also think that globalization has some negative effects that should not be overlooked. Some of these effects are:

  • Globalization can create environmental problems. By increasing production and consumption, globalization can generate more pollution and waste that can harm the natural resources and ecosystems. Globalization can also contribute to climate change, by increasing greenhouse gas emissions that can alter the global temperature and weather patterns.
  • Globalization can cause social problems. By creating winners and losers, globalization can increase disparities and conflicts within and between countries. Globalization can also erode cultural diversity and identity, by imposing a dominant culture or ideology that can threaten local traditions and values.
  • Globalization can challenge national sovereignty. By creating global institutions and rules, globalization can limit the autonomy and power of national governments. Globalization can also expose countries to external shocks and risks, such as financial crises or pandemics, that can affect their stability and security.

In conclusion, globalization is a complex and controversial topic that has both positive and negative effects on the world economy. I think that we should be aware of these effects and balance the benefits and costs of globalization. We should also seek to regulate and manage globalization in a way that promotes sustainable development, social justice and global citizenship.


En este artículo, hemos visto los cambios que se hicieron en el examen TOEFL iBT en 2023, y cómo afectan al formato, al contenido y al tiempo del examen. También hemos visto algunos ejemplos de los nuevos tipos de preguntas que se presentan en las cuatro secciones del examen: lectura, comprensión auditiva, expresión oral y expresión escrita. Estos cambios tienen como objetivo mejorar la experiencia de los examinados, aumentar la transparencia de las puntuaciones y agilizar el proceso de registro.

Para prepararse para el nuevo examen TOEFL iBT, es importante que los examinados se familiaricen con el formato y el contenido del examen, y que practiquen con pruebas de práctica completas. También es importante que los examinados desarrollen sus habilidades en las cuatro secciones del examen.

Esperamos que este artículo te haya sido útil y te haya dado una idea clara de lo que te espera en el nuevo examen TOEFL iBT. Si tienes alguna pregunta o comentario, por favor déjanoslo saber.



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